

Join a community of dedicated professionals who are passionate about elevating the underground contracting industry

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There are numerous benefits for becoming a WUCA member including educational seminars, industry news, networking opportunities, special events and legislative initiatives. WUCA is here to promote the betterment of our members and the industry.


The original articles of incorporation state that the purpose of the Wisconsin Underground Contractors Association is to:

  • Promote the business of the individual members and to advance their mutual interest
  • Cultivate friendly relations and cooperative effort between members
  • Participate in matters of civic betterment and welfare
  • Create harmony between its members and employees
  • Eliminate unnecessary hazards to life and property
  • Encourage the use of sound business practices
  • Deal with bid specifications
  • Promote the betterment of the industry

Why Join WUCA

As a member, you'll gain access to a wealth of benefits, including educational seminars, industry news, networking opportunities, special events, and legislative initiatives—all designed to empower you with the knowledge, connections, and resources needed to succeed in this dynamic field. Whether you're looking to expand your professional network, stay updated on industry trends, or make a meaningful impact through advocacy efforts, WUCA provides the platform and support you need to thrive. Join us and be part of a collective mission to raise standards, drive innovation, and shape the future of underground contracting in Wisconsin and beyond.


Here's why membership in WUCA is an investment in your business and in the future of the industry:

Knowledge is Power

WUCA understands that continuous learning is the key to staying ahead of the curve. Their comprehensive educational seminars equip members with the latest skills, techniques, and insights needed to tackle complex projects and adapt to an ever-changing regulatory landscape. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the field, WUCA's targeted training programs, led by industry experts, will ensure you remain on the cutting edge.

Stay Informed, Stay Ahead

Navigating the business world can feel like riding a rollercoaster. WUCA keeps you informed, providing regular updates on industry news, trends, and legislative developments directly impacting your bottom line. Stay one step ahead, anticipate changes, and make informed decisions that strengthen your business.

The Power of Connections

Success in the underground contracting world often hinges on relationships. WUCA's networking events are a proven way to unlock new opportunities. Forge valuable connections with peers, potential partners, and industry leaders. These events are not just about exchanging business cards– they're about building genuine relationships based on trust and shared goals.

Events that Elevate

WUCA's special events, ranging from the celebratory Annual Dinner and Auction to the action-packed Golf Classic, provide platforms to showcase your company's expertise, network in a relaxed setting, and support causes that resonate with the industry's values. These events cultivate a sense of pride within the underground contracting community, highlighting its achievements and contributions.

A Voice for Change

Standing alone can be difficult, but a strong, unified voice can make a tangible difference. WUCA amplifies the industry's concerns by actively engaging in legislative initiatives. They advocate for fair regulations, champion policies that promote growth, and protect the interests of underground contractors across Wisconsin. By joining WUCA, you add your voice to the collective, ensuring the industry receives the support it deserves.

Embrace the Ethos

Joining the Wisconsin Underground Contractors Association isn't just about gaining a membership card; it's about demonstrating your commitment to professionalism, your desire to contribute to the advancement of the industry, and your conviction in the power of working together towards shared objectives. WUCA provides the tools, connections, and support structure to help you achieve your highest ambitions.

If you're ready to elevate your business, expand your network, and make a lasting impact on the underground contracting industry, your journey starts with WUCA. Welcome to the community!

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